Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Anceint Greek Kore

The peice I chose to discuss is the ancient statue of the female Kore. The reason why it was so interesting to me is because it reflects a very stylistic form or ancient sculpture. Usually when someone thinks of ancient Greek sculpture one thinks of the stylized version of the "super human" human beings that are life-like yet enhanced muscles and the bodies with perfect deminsions. This sculpture however pre-dates that era of common ancient Greek sculpture. The smile also known as the "archaic smile" is a slight smile that is deffinatley a noticable smile, however it is not one that is necessarily nature or life-like looking. It suggests that the person is well and filled with life. It is unnatural looking but reflects the ancient Greek culture of people of health and happiness. The sculpture is also a bit stiffer than the other later Greek sculptures. This is characteristic of the time period it was built in as well, which was around the 6th century BCE. The later Greek sculptures have a more relaxed and natural body posture than this sculpture does here. The hair is also stylistic of the era in which it was sculpted. Overall this sculpture is very telling of how the artist viewed and tried to replicate human beings. It is not completely natural but has the aim of representing a human being. The smile, posture and hair all give clues to this. I find it especially interesting being an artist myself.

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